Ghasem Abedi, Ehsan Abedini


Background: Ethical predictability in hospitals and other healthcare centers is a predisposition of good delivery of medical care accompanies respectful interaction with stakeholders, especially patients. The importance of healthcare delivery makes the topic of ethical predictability much more sensitive.
Aim: To prioritize the ethical predictability dimensions effective on patients` tendency to the hospital by using the analytic hierarchy process (AHP).
Methods: This study was descriptive and applied. The required data collected by paired comparison questionnaire. 12 experts in health services field were chosen purposively and their view points analyzed by AHP with Expert Choice 11 software.
Results: The prioritization of the main factors from experts`viewpoints showed that quality of healthcare services (w= 0.336), observance of patients’ rights (w= 0.278), patient management (w= 0.275), observance of staff’s rights (w= 0.215), observance of family members’ rights (w= 0.195), transparency (w= 0.130), and adherence to law (w= 0.087) placed in grades first to seventh, respectively.
Conclusion: Considering the key role of ethical predictability in patients` tendency to hospitals, experts`viewpointswere assessed carefully and the main dimensions of ethical predictability and their parameters, ranked base on their importance.
Keywords: Ethical predictability, hospital, patient, analytic hierarchy process

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