Dwi Agustiana Sari, Wiwin Lismidiati, Rita Eli Besia





Background: Prevalence of cervical cancer in DIY ranks highest in Indonesia. Riskesdas (2013). The major risk factor is a having sex at a young age. The number of cervical cancers in Indonesia is caused by lack of knowledge about cervical cancer so that public awareness for early detection is still low.

Aim: To describe adolescents’ knowledge about cervical cancer prevention and the relation between age, tribe, residence, source of information and knowledge about cervical cancer at SMK PI Ambarrukmo 1 Depok.

Method: Quantitative descriptive method, used cross sectional design. The research was conducted at SMK PI Ambarrukmo 1 Depok which consisted of 60 students. The sampling technique which is used was total sampling and the instrument which is used was questionnaire. Data analysis was conducted by Chi Square analysis.

Result: Some of the respondents have a good knowledge that was 53.3%. From the item aspect of the respondents answer showed that some of the adolescents knowledge about symptom and management were still less that was 47.3%. There was a relation between tribe, residence, and source of information with the knowledge (p= <0.05). There was no relation between age and knowledge.

Conclusion: Some of the respondents have a good knowledge. There was a relation between tribe, residence, and source of information with the knowledge. There was no relation between age and knowledge.

Keyword: Knowledge, adolescent, cervical cancer prevention

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