Aim: To highlight the surgical options and malignancy in the solitary
cold nodule of the thyroid gland
Study Design: Prospective case series study
Settings: South Surgical Ward Mayo Hospital, Lahore
Duration: June 2018 to November 2019
Methods: All the patients above 12 years of age with
the diagnosis of the solitary cold nodule of thyroid gland either referred from
the periphery or directly admitted through the Out Patient Department Mayo
Hospital, Lahore were included in the study
Results: Age ranged from 13-58 with the mean of 34 ± 9
years and 92% of the patients were female. Right lobe of the thyroid gland was
involved in 62% and isthmus in 2% of the patients. All the patients were
euthyroid and underwent surgery. FNAC showed adenomatous colloid goiter in 52%
and papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 4% of the patients. Lobectomy
plus isthmusectomy was performed in 94% and total thyroidectomy in 4% of the
patients primarily. Histopathology report showed adenomatous colloid goiter in 44%,
papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 8% and follicular carcinoma in 2%
of the patients. Completion of total thyroidectomy was carried out in 6% of the
patients. Surgical site infection was observed in 4% and transient hypocalcemia
in 2% of the patients postoperatively. There was no mortality.
Conclusion: The solitary cold nodule of the thyroid gland
is more common in females. Lobectomy plus isthmusectomy is the gold standard
surgical option. Papillary carcinoma is the commonest malignancy in the
solitary cold nodule of the thyroid gland.
Keywords: Solitary cold nodule, euthyroid, malignancy, lobectomy
plus isthmusectomy, papillary carcinoma
Aim: To highlight the surgical options and malignancy in the solitary
cold nodule of the thyroid gland
Study Design: Prospective case series study
Settings: South Surgical Ward Mayo Hospital, Lahore
Duration: June 2018 to November 2019
Methods: All the patients above 12 years of age with
the diagnosis of the solitary cold nodule of thyroid gland either referred from
the periphery or directly admitted through the Out Patient Department Mayo
Hospital, Lahore were included in the study
Results: Age ranged from 13-58 with the mean of 34 ± 9
years and 92% of the patients were female. Right lobe of the thyroid gland was
involved in 62% and isthmus in 2% of the patients. All the patients were
euthyroid and underwent surgery. FNAC showed adenomatous colloid goiter in 52%
and papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 4% of the patients. Lobectomy
plus isthmusectomy was performed in 94% and total thyroidectomy in 4% of the
patients primarily. Histopathology report showed adenomatous colloid goiter in 44%,
papillary carcinoma of the thyroid gland in 8% and follicular carcinoma in 2%
of the patients. Completion of total thyroidectomy was carried out in 6% of the
patients. Surgical site infection was observed in 4% and transient hypocalcemia
in 2% of the patients postoperatively. There was no mortality.
Conclusion: The solitary cold nodule of the thyroid gland
is more common in females. Lobectomy plus isthmusectomy is the gold standard
surgical option. Papillary carcinoma is the commonest malignancy in the
solitary cold nodule of the thyroid gland.
Keywords: Solitary cold nodule, euthyroid, malignancy, lobectomy
plus isthmusectomy, papillary carcinoma