Uzma Manzoor, Mumtaz Jahan, Iram Aslam3, Saadia Saleem4, Nuzhat Parveen5, Mohammad Zain

The Histopathological Patterns of Endometrium on Endometrial sampling in patients with uterine bleeding

Uzma Manzoor, Mumtaz Jahan, Iram Aslam3, Saadia Saleem4, Nuzhat Parveen5, Mohammad Zain



Background: Abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB) is a common complaint in patients visiting Gynae OPD. AUB is associated with considerable morbidity and has a significant effect on patient’s personal and social life.

Aim: To evaluate histopathological patterns of endometrium in patients with AUB and to determine frequency of AUB in different age groups.

Study design: This is an observational study conducted in OB Gynae department of Independent Medical College, Faisalabad.

Methods: All patients presenting with AUB between age 40-60 years admitted for endometrial sampling were included in this study. The patients with abnormal vaginal bleeding due to pregnancy, coagulation disorders, fibroid uterus and uterine polyp were excluded from the study. The patient age, marital status, parity and histopathological findings were recorded. Analysis was done in the form percentage and represented as tables.

Study period: The study was conducted from May 2019 to June 2020.

Result: According to my study in Independent University Hospital, total 100 patients were selected who were in age group 40-60 years, 60 patients in age group of 50-55 years. 20 patients (20%) were in age group 45-49 years, 12 patients (12%) were above 55 years who presented with abnormal uterine bleeding and endometrial sampling was done. In 97 patients (97%) with AUB the BMI was calculated by weight and height and in 3 patients (3%) there was no data regarding BMI. Out of 97 patients, 50 patients (50%) were overweight and 30 patients (30%) were of normal weight and 17 (17%) patients were Obese who had BMI ≥ 30. According to patient’s histopathology patterns of endometrium the most common result was simple hyperplasia in 30 patients (30%) and proliferative endometrium was in 18 patients (18%), in 13 patients (13%) the result was chronic endometritis and secretory endometrium was the result in 12% (12 patients) and in 8% carcinoma of endometrium was observed.

Conclusion: The most common histopathological pattern in patients with no organic pathology on endometrial sampling was proliferative endometrium. While the most common organic pathology was endometrial hyperplasia. Endometrial sampling is especially indicated in patients 40 years and above to rule out malignancy and pre malignant conditions.,

Keywords: Abnormal uterine bleeding, endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial sampling, endometrial carcinoma.

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