Chloroquine Induced Oxidative Stress in Male Albino Mice: RCT
Sumbal Khalid, Hamid Javaid Qureshi, Muhammad Sohail Aslam, Talha Laique
drugs have been found to induce oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is
responsible for a large number of diseases. Chloroquine is one of the drugs,
which can induce oxidative stress, when it is given at higher dose.
Purpose: To
find the effect of chloroquine as stress inducer on albino mice.
Study Design: Randomized clinical trial.
male albino mice were taken into this randomized controlled study. Those were
divided into two groups of 30 each. Group A was the control group while group B
mice were given single oral dose of 970 mg/kg of body weight of chloroquine on
9th day of experiment. Terminal intracardiac blood sample was
obtained on 17th day of experiment.
analysis: SPSS version 23 was used for data
results of group B were compared with those of group A, there was highly
significant (p= 0.000) rise in serum malondialdehyde level and highly
significant (p= 0.000) decrease in serum glutathione peroxidase level.
Conclusion: It was concluded that Chloroquine induces oxidative stress
when it is given at the dose of 970 mg/kg of body weight in mice.
Keywords: Chloroquine,
Oxidative Stress and Malondialdehyde.