Kenan Işildak



Aim: The aim of this study is to examine the relationship between upper extremity anaerobic power and arm volume with the correct service shooting rate of athletes interested in volleyball. A total of 13 male athletes playing elite level volleyball participated in the study.

Method: Arm volumes were measured while the athlete was standing and legs were shoulder width apart. The distance between the acromion bone and the olecranon bone was measured with ± 1 mm accuracy at 10% intervals. Forearm volumes were measured while the athlete was standing and legs were shoulder-width apart. The distance between the olecranon bone and the ulnar styloid bone was measured with ± 1 mm accuracy at 10% intervals. To determine their anaerobic performance, Wingate anaerobic power and capacity test (AP) was performed on a pan arm ergometer, which was connected to a computer modified for this arm and operated with compatible software. The service speed (SS) of the athletes was used in Pocket Radar. Data evaluation was carried out using a statistical program in computer environment. "Shapiro-Wilk Test" was used for normal distribution of data. In statistical analysis, minimum and maximum values, arithmetic mean, standard deviation values ​​were calculated. "Pearson" correlation analysis was used for the normally distributed data in the relationship of arm volume (AV) with anaerobic power. The data were evaluated according to the "0.05" significance level.

Results: When the findings are examined, the AP and SS values ​​of the athletes (r =, 843 **; p <, 001), RightAV values ​​with SS (r = .857 **; p <, 000), LeftAV and SS values ​​(r = .924 **; p <, 000) and significant relationship was found between Total AV and SS values ​​(r =, 894 **; p <, 000).

Conclusions: As a result, the findings of our study showed that men who do elite volleyball sports both have high upper extremity anaerobic power characteristics and have a high percentage of muscles around the arm, and play a decisive role in the correct service shooting speed.

Keywords: Volleyball, Power, Volume, Service 

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